वेदों में ईश्वर के अनेक नाम हैं

● वेदों में ईश्वर के ऐसे-ऐसे अनेक नाम हैं ! ●

● In Vedas we find such amazing names for the most wonderful God ! ●

[Ref: Maharshi Dayananda’s book ‘Aaryaabhivinay’, part I, presented here by: Bhavesh Merja]
● मघवन् = सर्वशक्तिमन् = Mighty Lord, Omnipotent.
● अद्भुतः = अत्यन्त आश्चर्यरूप = Most wonderful.
● विश्वाहापः = (विश्वाहाः + आपः) = विश्व के हन्ताओं से रक्षा करनेवाला = विश्व के हन्ता अर्थात् दुःख देने वाले को नष्ट करने वाला = Exterminator of those who are inimically inclined towards the world and injure it.
● गयस्फान = प्रजा, धन, जनपद और सुराज्य का बढ़ाने वाला = Increaser of our progeny, wealth and Advancer of the happiness of our native habitations and our realms.
● अमीवहा = शरीर, इन्द्रिय जन्य और मानस रोगों का हनन अर्थात् विनाश करने वाला = Dispeller of all our corporal and mental ills.
● दस्युहा = दुष्ट पापी लोगों का हनन करने वाला = Exterminator of all the wicked.
● भीमः = आपकी न्याय आज्ञा को छोड़ने वालो पर भयंकर भय देने वाला = Striker of formidable terror in those who go against His low of righteousness.
● सहस्रचेताः = सहस्रों विज्ञानादि गुणवाले = Possessor of innumerable greater attributes like the knowledge etc.
● शतनीथः = सैंकडों असंख्यात पदार्थों की प्राप्ति कराने वाला = Having power to lead His righteous devotees on to the acquisition of numberless possessions.
● विभावसुः = सत्य – स्वप्रकाशैकधनमय = Great and Incomparable by the unassailable lustre of His self-effulgent Being.
● कम् = सबके सुखकारक और सुख-स्वरूप = Imparter of Bliss to all.
● सत्पतिः = सत्पुरुषों का प्रतिपालन करने वाला = Protector of righteous persons.
● कविक्रतुः = (कविः = सबको देखने वाले = सर्वदृक् = All-seer, Seer of all, ; क्रतुः = सब जगत् के जनक) = Maker of the whole universe.
● अंगिरः = प्राणप्रिय = Dear as our very life.
● बृहद्भानो = महा तेज = Great and Divine Sun.
● चित्रश्रवस्तमः = आश्चर्य श्रवणादि, आश्चर्य गुण, आश्चर्य शक्ति, आश्चर्य रूपवान् और अत्यन्त उत्तम = Possessing wonderful audition (power of hearing and listening) and other faculties.
● अभिश्रीः = सबका निधि (शोभाकारक) = The Store of glory and Imparter of beauty to all things beautiful.
(द्रष्टव्य : महर्षि दयानन्द रचित ‘आर्याभिविनय’, प्रथम प्रकाश:)
